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Parallels by V.S.Sury

Publisher: Notion Press
Pages: 316
Price: Rs. 329 INR(Paperback), Rs. 100 INR(Kindle Edition)
ISBN: 978–1648508855
Buy here: https://amzn.to/2GnEOU5

My take on the book:

Parallels by V.S.Sury is one unique book which does not fit into any genre. Though it is a non-fiction one, the author covers such vast topics within 36 chapters, based on his observations. However, at a high level, the book can be classified as dealing with multiple topics that we would have found in our Social and Science Academic books albeit the theoretical touch is missing as all concepts are explained in a practical way.

The beauty of the book is that each chapter is not connected to the other and might feel random at the beginning. Also, the topics covered are so varied that some chapters may not appeal to all. However, if you are someone enthusiastic about reading, learning and exploring then this book will appeal to you.

Few chapters in, it reminded me of those science books I used to pick from my library in my school days. This book has that nostalgic feel especially if you are reading these topics after a break of few years. Deeply intellectual at places and stimulating, I would highly recommend this one if you are intrigued by things that happen around you and are curious to learn.

My rating:


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