Book Review — No One’s Coming by Ethan Donati 

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No One’s Coming: From Social Anxiety To Million Dollar Speaker by Ethan Donati

My take on the book:

When I saw there is a book dedicated to Platform Speaking, I was curious to know what inspired the author to write an entire book about Platform Speaking. Few pages into the book and I was shocked to know about the earnings the author generated from a few hours as Platform Speaker and that is the normal income for any successful speaker. What further raised my interest is the author’s transformation from being extremely shy and averse to speak on a stage to being a professional speaker in a few years. 

The book is both an autobiography as well as a step-by-step guide on how to pursue a career as a platform speaker. There are total fifteen chapters but book never feels tedious with a free-flowing narration style. While as audience we are generally in awe of a speaker addressing and mesmerizing thousands, this book goes into the details of what background work is done by the speaker for years before they become a successful speaker. 

The author not just touches on all these concepts, but also provides the minutest details that a novice reader interested in pursuing this as a career would benefit from. If this journey of the author from facing social anxiety to making million dollars as a speaker intrigues you as well, then this book is a must read.

My rating:

